Male Father Expert!
{actor} What a guy to do when you can not eat pasta cause your in a lifestyle change mode. I fee like I'm going to die unless I get a noodle soon.
{actor} What a guy to do when you can not eat pasta cause your a lifestyle quest...I feel like going to die...I need a noodle.
Basic Information:
Male -
Life Degree
Father -
Culinary Level
Expert! -
About me
I'm a self-taught cook and yes I love trial and error cooking...but the last few years not too many mistakes. I figure if you read you can cook. For the last 20 years my skills have taken me to actual cooking on television in the San Francisco Bay area...I spent time at KTVU/Fox presenting recipes for your weekend tailgates. I can cook just about anything but I love cooking Italian...I have been known as the Prince of North Beach by my friends. Currently we are working on some new cooking projects for the near future. Would love to cook with Nonna...she could bring the class and I could bring the humor.