Female Nonno Can cook like a Nonna!
Can anyone tell me what does EV mean in the recipe?
TheNakedChef is friends with rossella rago
Hi i can't find my save recipes
rossella rago
Go to your Profile Page under La Famiglia and you will see a tab called My Favorite Recipes! Just click on it!
6 years ago
Ciao dall'Australia non riesco a trovare la mia lista delle ricette preferite quando clicco su salvarlo salvare la ricetta per le mie ricette preferite
rossella rago
Go to your Profile Page under La Famiglia and you will see a tab called My Favorite Recipes! Just click on it!
6 years ago
Basic Information:
Female -
Life Degree
Nonno -
Culinary Level
Can cook like a Nonna! -
About me
I am 31 years old and a ex sou chef