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Member of La Famiglia since:
Female Mother Expert!

Your site is so complicated...the ads are so distracting... and I see your trying to be like FB but it's not the same. The turn over wait on a link is sooo long and you should be able to upload pics from FB. If not I have to plug in my phone download the pics ad then post a recipe....Way toooo long of a wait. Why do all that work for you?...Good... Show more

rossella rago Never in my wildest dreams I will be able to compete with Facebook! Sorry but you have not been with the website long enough to get a good feel for it. Cooking with Nonna, is not just cooking with... Show more 10 years ago

What does "upload a new avatar" mean?....

rossella rago and {target} are now friends 10 years ago

I made the Peach Italian Cookies on Sunday and they were fabulous...Def making them for Easter.